Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tenjin Matsuri

I went to my first big festival in Japan this week. It's called Tenjin Matsuri and it's supposed to be one of the big 3 festivals in Japan. It takes place on the 24th and 25th of July every year and attracts 1.5 million people.I read somewhere on the internet to try and get there early so you can see everyone getting ready at Osaka Temmangu Shrine. For some reason i got there around 8:30 and nothing happened until around 10:30 so i obviously got there way too early. The drumming started at around 10:00am and was still going when i left at around 6:30pm. Apparently it doesn't stop until the end of the festival at around 10:30pm.

so apart from the horrible humidity the sunburn and being squashed together with 10,000 other tourists it was a pretty exciting festival. I'm not really sure what it was all about because i went by myself because it was on a weekday and everyone i knew was working. Apparently it's been going for 1000 years so i guess it must be something important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Really nice photos - would you mind contacting me? I work at a publication in Kansai and I'd like to speak with you about using one or two of your photos in a print publication. You can email me at nathanielkeys [ AT ]