Monday, July 24, 2006

Rainy Season!!!

This has been the view from my apartment since last sunday (16th). There wasn't that much rain during what was supposed to be the wet season but now that everyone has said that it's over it hasn't stopped raining. The cooler weather has been a nice change though.

The biggest pain in the ass with the rain is living in a country where i am relying on my bicycle and public transport to get eveywhere and also the fact that i can't get a raincoat in my size anywhere. I think the last week is the first time i've really missed not having a car.

Yesterday i finally got a new mobile phone and this time it's a billingual version. The phone i've had for the first 10mths i've lived here was Japanese only so a lot of guessing what i was doing. It seems like i got the only model that didnt have english available. Heads up job to the salewoman on that one. It's nothing special but it has the usual camera, video, access to the internet and one thing i think is really cool is it has built in GPS. here's a pic anyway. i got the silver one.

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