Friday, September 01, 2006

cover and spread

Here's some pics of my photos that are in this months Kansai Time Out magazine. Pretty exciting getting your photos published and the cover looks great. BTW i'm also available for weddings, nudes, birthdays, nudes, advertising and nudes.

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Anonymous said...

wondering if you do like ah photos of ah spa parties if you know what I mean!!! Huge demand for camel toe close ups at the zoo.. I like your work

brett said...

I know what you mean and now i'm sitting in a pool of my own vomit. cameras just aren't made for that sort of torture.

Anonymous said...

congrads on the cover bro,very strong pic,love the red in the middle of the rainforrest/blown away breado.

Anonymous said...

camel toe just isn't camel toe without white pants!

ANNA-LYS said...

Great, really great aestetic pic !!!!
Congratulations for the recognition and the publishing !!!!