Here's a few photos from the day after my hike up Omine-san with Mika's father. After waking around 10am we had to check out of the hotel and did some sightseeing around Dorogawa, the town where the hotel was. We visited a local shrine and a suspension bridge that was quite big and offered a nice view of the town. Dorogawa is a really nice rural town and full of inns and onsens. Seems to be the wives stay at an onsen while the husband climbs the "mens only" omine mountain.
After Dorogawa we went to Yoshino, a place that i've wanted to visit since coming to Japan. It's the most famous Cherry blossom viewing area with something like 30,000 cherry blossom trees. It's also the home of Kinpusenji, one of the most important buddhist temples in japan and centre of shugendo, a sect of buddhism the is based around mountain worship.
click on the images to see them large
These four are from Dorogawa. The first one was strange to come across. they were taking it in turns standing under the waterfall and screaming at each other. The second is Mika and her parents on the suspension bridge. the third is a photo of Dorogawa from the suspension bridge. The last is my new shirt. I went through all my clothes on the hike because it was so sweaty so needed some new clothes. It's a hand painted picture en no gyoja
just a few random pics from the temple at Dorogawa.
These four are at Kinpusenji, Yoshino. I'm not exactly sure what the second one is. Mika's father had a miniature one that he would shake while doing prayers. The reason i took this photo is because you can see in the third photo Mika's grandfathers name is written on the monument (bottom left name) . Pretty impressive considering this is one of the most famous temples in japan. Last is our lunch. Cold soba and sushi and of course some nice cold beer.